Myuutsuu no Tanjou: the Birth of Mewtwo

Episode II: The Birth of Mewtwo

Giovanni: Pocket Monsters the Radio Drama: The Birth of Mewtwo, Episode #2.

Mew: Mew...Mew...Mew.

Giovanni: Twenty years ago...the Phantom Pokémon revealed a glimpse of its existence to us. The search for it kept on going, but no matter what, no one knew where it was and the silence had continued.

Miyamoto: (In the Andes Mountains as a blizzard is heard) I'm Miyamoto-chan and I'll never give up! My little daughter is already in grade school after all. That takes money. Where are you Mew?! Come on out! (Blizzard wind blows then stops)

Giovanni: (Sounds of digging are heard) Eighteen years after that...I, Giovanni, had succeed my mother to become the boss of the Rocket Gang. Our underground business concerns all Pokémon. We are the "any Pokémon" Rocket Gang. Digging and stealing fossilized Pokémon are no exception. And the Rocket Gang's greatest excavation and steal site were in the mountainous area of South America. (Digging stops when a rock chip sound is heard)

Excavator1: Woah...what the devil is that?

Giovanni: That was a fossil, less then one centimeter in length. (Glittering sound is heard in the background)

Excavator2: It's pretty shiny for a fossil.

Excavator3: Oh! This is...! (Fossil's glitter flashes upon excavators)

Dr. Fuji: (Wave sounds are heard) My name is Doctor Fuji. Dr. Fuji. That fossil was secretly taken to my secret laboratory in New Island.

Computer: (Inside New Island laboratory) Analysis result: It is a fossil of an eyebrow of some sort of Pokemon. The Pokemon species is unknown. But when we vocalize what we can from the DNA...

Mew: (Electronic voice) Mew. Mew. Mew. Mew.

Dr. Fuji: Mew? What's that?

Computer: There is one record in history.

Dr. Fuji: And that is...

Computer: It is the voice of a phantom Pokémon said to originate in the jungles of South America.

Mew: Mew...(Electronic voice) Mew.

Dr. Fuji: The Phantom Pokémon, Mew?

Giovanni: (Appears in the laboratory) Mew hmm? Can you recreate the phantom Mew from the analysis of that fossil?

Dr. Fuji: Master Giovanni. If I am asked, "Can you do it?" I will answer, I have succeeded with other Pokémon.

Dr. Fuji: (Starts pun-like song) If I make a copy of a Pokémon with its genes, then poké - poké mon-mon 1, we have got ourselves two Pokémon."

Giovanni: Two times the profit.

Dr. Fuji: If we make a copy of Squirtle's genes...

Squirtle: Squirt, Squirt, Squirt, Squirtel.

Dr. Fuji: We've got two Squirtle.

Giovanni: Making money.

Dr. Fuji: If we make a copy with Charmander's genes...

Charmander: Mander, mander, mander, char...

Dr. Fuji: We've got two Charmander.

Giovanni: Another profit.

Dr. Fuji: We make a copy of Bulbasaur...

Bulbasaur: Bulba, bulba, bulba, bulba, Bulbasaur.

Dr. Fuji: It'll increase to two...

Giovanni: Even a seedless watermelon will grow a flower or two.

Dr. Fuji: Copy, copy, and copy again.

Giovanni: One, two, two becomes four, four to eight, eight times two is six-teen...thirty-two of them. A fortune is made before you know it.

Dr. Fuji: If we make a copy with Pikachu's genes...

Pikachu: Pi-pika, pikachu.

Dr. Fuji: More and more, it's mouse mathematics 2.

Giovanni: It's a sparkling, sparkling treasure box 3.

Dr. Fuji: If we make a copy with Meowth's genes...

Meowth: Meowth, Meowth.

Dr. Fuji: ...And the moon will shine.

Giovanni: I don't need that. (Ends pun-like song)

Dr. Fuji: (Sighs)

Giovanni: What's wrong, Doctor?

Dr. Fuji: But I wonder if that goes true for a phantom Pokémon.

Giovanni: What do you mean?

Dr. Fuji: It is not like there were no failures.

Giovanni: We can't make profits if we're afraid of failure.

Dr. Fuji: At least a copy of a human has not succeeded yet.

Giovanni: I don't need a copy of a human. Increasing humans won't make money. Pokémon are what makes money. (Laughs) And to add to that, it's said that the phantom Mew is the rarest Pokémon in the world. If it's recreated in this laboratory, and is in our possession...even if it's a copy we'll make a fortune. Even if it's a fake we'll make a fortune (Laughs while he walks away).

Dr. Fuji: (Laboratory sounds are heard) It's not only because I want to make Pokémon copies that I'm continuing this research. (Speaks to Ai) Ai...can you hear me? My precious child. Can you hear my voice? (Sound of bubbles are heard and the beginning of the flashback)

Ai: (Giggles) Papa! Papa! Why are you papa?

Dr. Fuji: Ai, that's because I'm your papa. Your mama left me, I can't stand it anymore 4. I'm so lonely. Well, that happens a lot but, if that accident...(CAR CRASH!! - ambulance siren)

Dr. Fuji: Ai, are you all right? Ai! Ai! Come back!

Ai: Sorry papa, I can't go back.

Dr. Fuji: No, I want to get you back. I don't want to be by myself.

Ai: (Giggles) It can't be helped. I'm probably going to become a star.

Dr. Fuji: If you're going to be Halley's Comet, you're coming back.

Ai: Not anything like that...

Dr. Fuji: Oh...if you're not coming back...I don't care if it's a copy or a fake made from your genes...just don't leave me alone!

Ai: That's trouble.

Dr. Fuji: Yeah, papa's in trouble too (Ends flashback). I mean, human copies can only live in a test tube, and only for four years.

Ai: Then don't do what's impossible.

Dr. Fuji: That's right, it's impossible. No matter how many times I try it, four years is the maximum. But I realized something...that Pokémon have an unusual life-force...I know now that Pokémon copies can live longer compared to humans. I want to know the Pokémon's secret of life. And I want to use that secret to make you live longer.

Ai: Really, don't do what's impossible. All right? Papa?

Dr. Fuji: No, I'll do the experiment over as many times as I need to...Ai, I've finally gotten hold of the eyelash of a phantom Pokémon. Its name is Mew.

Ai: Mew?

Dr. Fuji: Mew is said to be the world's rarest Pokémon. According to a legend, it's even said that it has a life-force to let it live forever. If I copy that Mew, and find out the secret of its life...then maybe you can have that strong life-force as well. Ai, I want you to live as an adult and for you to live with me until you're an old woman. To be born and to live life is a wonderful thing. That's why I want you to come back to me Ai.

Ai: I see, that's trouble.

Dr. Fuji: (A waterdrop is heard) One month after that...Mewtwo was born, based on the genes taken from Mew's eyelash.

Ai: (Excited) Oh, it's so cute! That's Mewtwo...Can I be its mama? Can I be its older sister? I wouldn't mind living if I have a child like that. Hello Mewtwo.


1  "Poke - Poke mon-mon" means Pokemon squared.
2  "Mouse mathematics" is referring to rapid population growth like how mice reproduce. Pikachu is an "electric mouse" Pokemon.
3  Pika here is used as a pun to mean "sparkling."
4  The reason why Dr. Fuji's wife left him is only explained in the twelve-minute additional footage found in the special edition of      "Mewtwo's Counterattack" (official English title, "Mewtwo Strikes Back). She left because she saw her husband working to make a      copy of their dead daughter, and was unable to bear his obsession.

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Note: This translation was not made by me, it comes from Pocket Monsters Translation. I have only changed the Japanese names of people and Pokémon to the English names.