Myuutsuu no Tanjou: the Birth of Mewtwo

Episode V: Mewtwo's Counterattack

Giovanni: Pocket Monsters the Radio Drama: The Birth of Mewtwo, Episode #5.

Mewtwo: (Sound of waves) Giovanni, how many species of Pokémon are there in this world?

Giovanni: Easily over 150.

Mewtwo: I'll show you my strength!

Giovanni: The Rocket Gang's ultimate weapon, Mewtwo's power was incredible.
--Mewtwo, I'm going to take off your chains, and your armor! Show them [Pokémon] your powers! Psychic powers! Bind them! Speed Star! Psychokinesis! (All Pokémon opponents are defeated)

Mewtwo: I caught them.

Giovanni: Pokéball! (Rocket Gang members are heard throwing Pokéballs at Pokémon and capturing them)

Mewtwo: I caught them!

Giovanni: (To himself) Mewtwo's powers are splendid. Mewtwo's various techniques were incredibly strong. I might be able to take over the world with just this one. (Wave sounds end)

Trainer: My Pokémon won't loose! Go, Magmar (Releases Magamr from its Pokéball) Flamethrower! (Magmar attacks Mewtwo with its Flamethrower attack) You did it!

Giovanni: (Chuckles) What, you think you've beat him with just that? Mewtwo! Regenerate yourself! (Mewtwo regenerates)

Trainer: What?

Giovanni: Mewtwo is invincible. Destruction beam! (Shoots Magmar down)
(Chuckles) --Pokéball! (Uses his Pokéball to capture Magmar)

Trainer: Wait! You're going to take my Pokémon?!

Giovanni: I won.

Trainer: That's breaking the rules!

Giovanni: Remember this..."Breaking the rules" is a compliment to the Rocket Gang.

Trainer: Wait! Please!

Giovanni: Chase this trainer away. Speed Star! (Mewtwo attacks the trainer)

Trainer: Wah! You're going to attack a human?

Giovanni: There's no human nor Pokémon to Mewtwo. He defeats the strong, takes the weak, and will chase away those who interfere. (Attacks people)

Humans: AUGH! (Explosions are heard in the background)

Mewtwo: (Thinking to himself) I'm alive. But if someone asks me if my life is fun... (Chuckles) Defeating strong Pokémon was fun. And it was not so bad picking on humans, those cheating creatures who boast about strength they don't have...but now, there's no Pokémon stronger than me. I'm invincible. The Rocket Gang who follows me only thinks about making's more than hatred for them. They're not even worth me spitting on.'s not only the Rocket Gang...humans after all are creatures who think only of money and greed. Humans are trash that aren't even worth to be put in garbage cans. Listen to me humans...Strength is what rules the world. Not money...and you Pokémon...not the copies, but the real Pokémon...what's pitiful is that you Pokémon are even lower beings than humans. Once you're captured by a human, you listen to anything he says, and wag your tails. I can't forgive that as a Pokémon. Of course, I'm thinking this way so perhaps I wasn't a normal Pokémon from the moment I was born.

Miyamoto: (Blizzard wind blows in the Andes Mountains, while Miyamoto breathes hard) I'm not looking for no ordinary Pokémon. What I, Miyamoto seeks is a phantom Pokémon. Huh? The Phantom Pokémon Moltres? The Phantom Pokémon Zapdos? I'm not Miyamoto-san da 1...I'm Miyamoto-chan da! Huh? The Phantom Pokémon Articuno? And they expect me to carry around a refrigerator and a one-woman trip?! What's this? Dratini, Dragonair? Dragonite?! All you strange ones don't have to come out! If it's Mew, you should come out! The Phantom Pokémon Mew! You're the only one for me Phantom Mew! Everything about me is Mew! My beloved daughter Musashi...Musashi...[Musashi = Jessie] Mu"cha"shi 2...please understand unreasonable me... (Wind blows)

Giovanni: (In a jungle) Take a took Mewtwo. There are millions of wild Pokémon living in this great jungle. There are many ordinary Pokémon here, but there are very rare ones as well. But it's troublesome to go and find each and every one of them. So I want you to use your strength to get them all at once.

Mewtwo: You want me to fight ordinary Pokémon?

Giovanni: That's what you were born for. The world's strongest Pokémon, that's you. If you don't fight, you're not worth anything.

Mewtwo: My worth?

Giovanni: Now, take off your armor and chains and show your power! (Mewtwo removes armor) Mewtwo, psychic power! Binding power! Speed Star! Psychokinesis! Show off all of your powers! (Attack)

Giovanni: As expected Mewtwo. You've gotten one year's worth of Pokémon.

Mewtwo: What am I doing? Why am I living? Why am I fighting? (Tries to break out of chains)
--Damn, take this armor off!

Giovanni: Mewtwo. I can't do that. It's too dangerous for humans if I let you go free.

Mewtwo: Are you telling me to fight for all of you? To fight for humans?

Giovanni: You're a Pokémon. Pokémon are living beings who exist to be used by humans.

Mewtwo: I'm no ordinary Pokémon.

Giovanni: That's right. You're a Pokémon made by humans. If you don't fight for humans, what other value do you have?

Mewtwo: My value? Who am I? What am I living for? The least I know is that it's not for humans!! (Removes armor and chains)

Giovanni: (Shocked) Ah! The chains! The armor! Are you going to go against me?!

Mewtwo: I was created by humans, but I'm not a human. Since I was a created Pokémon, I'm not even a Pokémon! (Blast destroys the Rocket Gang headquarters)

Giovanni: (To himself) What I dreaded had happened. The Rocket Gang headquarters was destroyed in one second. (Bitter) No one can control Mewtwo anymore...

Mewtwo: (Mewtwo thinking to himeself in New Island as the sound of waves are heard) My strength becomes stronger. I'm the world's strongest. The one who has the right to rule the world are not humans, it's me! Who am I? Where is this place? I don't feel that this world is fun, nor fun...I don't feel pain either. And obviously I have never cried. That's right. I'm Mewtwo. I'm going to continue living as Mewtwo.

Mew: Mew, mew.

Mewtwo: Hm? Mew...that's're there too...

Mew: Mew!

Mewtwo: (Waves are heard crashing the shore) I'm the strongest in the world. I have the right to rule this world. (Wave sounds stop)

Miyamoto: (In the Andes Mountains) I am Miyamoto-chan. I won't give up. The daughter I left is almost a hag 11. I have already forgotten her face? Jessie? There's no loss in having too much money. Mew! Where are you?! After all, I, Miyamoto-chan will chase after the Phantom Pokémon everywhere, until the end of time! I'm going to do it!

Giovanni: The whereabouts of Miyamoto after that is unknown.

[End of The Birth of Mewtwo]


1 "San da" is a pun of "Thunder." The end particle "da" is used as a verbal version of an exclamation mark. Zapdos' Japanese name is Thunder.
2 Mucha means "unreasonable" or "impossible."
3 "The daughter I left is almost a hag." Hag is the English translation of the Japanese slang word "oban." "Oban" is used as an abuse towards unmarried women 24 years old and over. Since Musashi is about 24 years old and unmarried, it is quite fitting for Miyamoto to use "oban."

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Note: This translation was not made by me, it comes from Pocket Monsters Translation. I have only changed the Japanese names of people and Pokémon to the English names.