Lost Pokémon

The Pokémon that where planned for G/S/C, but where taken out before the game was released, or they were changed to other Poémon. I've heard about these Pokémon on quite a few sites now, so I suppose they're real.

Looks very like Girafarig, I guess it was changed to the Girafarig we know now. Still, this would be a good evolved form of Girafarig, I think.
I guess this was taken out of the game because it looked to much like a Raichu on fire. (Probably was meant to be a fire type) I think it'd still make a great Pokémon though.
Guess who this was changed into ^_^ Either this Pokémon was changed to Chicorita, or someone made it and it looked too much like it.
A Marill like Pokémon, I think it's cute, but it is very similar to Marill, but they've both got the same Japanese name. Maybe they just changed its colour, its tail, and the size of its ears.
Looks a lot like Quilfish, and would make a good evolved or pre-evolved stage. I guess this might be where rumours about the legendary Poké God Hifishi comes from.
Probably the most interesting Lost Monster. It looks as if it could be a snow type, a type not available in G/S/C. Maybe it was taken out because of that, although I think they could have made it a Water or Ice Pokémon. It looks like the pre-evolved form of Seel.