Gym Heroes

Card # Pokémon Level Type Rarity
1/132 Blaine's Moltre 44 Rare Holo
2/132 Brock's Rhydon 38 Rare Holo
3/132 Erika's Clefable 35 Rare Holo
4/132 Erika'S Dragonair 32 Rare Holo
5/132 Erika's Vileplume 34 Rare Holo
6/132 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz 28 Rare Holo
7/132 Lt. Surges Fearow 30 Rare Holo
8/132 Lt. Surge's Magneton 30 Rare Holo
9/132 Misty's Seadra 30 Rare Holo
10/132 Misty's Tentacruel 30 Rare Holo
11/132 Rocket's Hitmonchan 29 Rare Holo
12/132 Rocket's Moltres 26 Rare Holo
13/132 Rocket's Scyther 23 Rare Holo
14/132 Sabrina's Gengar 39 Rare Holo
Card # Name   Type Rarity
15/132 Brock   Trainer Rare Holo
16/132 Erika   Trainer Rare Holo
17/132 Lt. Surge   Trainer Rare Holo
18/132 Misty   Trainer Rare Holo
19/132 The Rocket's Trap   Trainer Rare Holo
Card # Pokémon Level Type Rarity
20/132 Brock's Golem 40 Rare
21/132 Brock's Onix 30 Rare
22/132 Brock's Rhyhorn 25 Rare
23/132 Brock's Sandslash 26 Rare
24/132 Brock's Zubat 5 Rare
25/132 Erika's Clefairy 17 Rare
26/132 Erika's Victreebel 37 Rare
27/132 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz 22 Rare
28/132 Lt. Surge's Raichu 32 Rare
29/132 Misty's Cloyster 30 Rare
30/132 Misty's Goldeen 8 Rare
31/132 Misty's Poliwrath 43 Rare
32/132 Misty's Tentacool 12 Rare
33/132 Rocket's Snorlax 40 Rare
34/132 Sabrina's Venomoth 24 Rare
35/132 Blaine's Growlithe 17 Uncommon
36/132 Blaine's Kangaskhan 36 Uncommon
37/132 Blaine's Magmar 29 Uncommon
38/132 Brock's Geodude 17 Uncommon
39/132 Brock's Golbat 30 Uncommon
40/132 Brock's Graveler 30 Uncommon
41/132 Brock's Lickitung 24 Uncommon
42/132 Erika's Dratini 14 Uncommon
43/132 Erika's Exeggcute 15 Uncommon
44/132 Erika's Exeggutor 31 Uncommon
45/132 Erika's Gloom 24 Uncommon
46/132 Erika's Gloom 28 Uncommon
47/132 Erika's Oddish 12 Uncommon
48/132 Erika's Weepinbell 26 Uncommon
49/132 Erika's Weepinbell 30 Uncommon
50/132 Lt. Surge's Magnemite 10 Uncommon
51/132 Lt. Surge's Raticate 32 Uncommon
52/132 Lt. Surge's Spearow 8 Uncommon
53/132 Misty's Poliwhirl 37 Uncommon
54/132 Misty's Psyduck 15 Uncommon
55/132 Misty's Seaking 24 Uncommon
56/132 Misty's Starmie 35 Uncommon
57/132 Misty's Tentacool 16 Uncommon
58/132 Sabrina's Haunter 20 Uncommon
59/132 Sabrina's Jynx 20 Uncommon
60/132 Sabrina's Slowbro 29 Uncommon
61/132 Blaine's Charmander 16 Common
62/132 Blaine's Growlithe 15 Common
63/132 Blaine's Ponyta 11 Common
64/132 Blaine's Tauros 34 Common
65/132 Blaine's Vulpix 9 Common
66/132 Brock's Geodude 13 Common
67/132 Brock's Mankey 10 Common
68/132 Brock's Mankey 12 Common
69/132 Brock's Onix 41 Common
70/132 Brock's Rhyhorn 29 Common
71/132 Brock's Sandshrew 13 Common
72/132 Brock's Sandshrew 20 Common
73/132 Brock's Vulpix 10 Common
74/132 Brock's Zubat 11 Common
75/132 Erika's Bellsprout 12 Common
76/132 Erika's Bellsprout 15 Common
77/132 Erika's Exeggcute 12 Common
78/132 Erika's Oddish 15 Common
79/132 Erika's Tangela 21 Common
80/132 Lt. Surge's Magnetmite 12 Common
81/132 Lt. Surge's Pikachu 15 Common
82/132 Lt. Surge's Rattata 10 Common
83/132 Lt. Surge's Spearow 17 Common
84/132 Lt. Surge's Voltorb 12 Common
85/132 Misty's Goldeen 10 Common
86/132 Misty's Horsea 10 Common
87/132 Misty's Poliwag 15 Common
88/132 Misty's Seel 20 Common
89/132 Misty's Shellder 10 Common
90/132 Misty's Staryu 20 Common
91/132 Sabrina's Abra 11 Common
92/132 Sabrina's Drowzee 15 Common
93/132 Sabrina's Gastly 16 Common
94/132 Sabrina's Mr. Mime 20 Common
95/132 Sabrina's Slowpoke 15 Common
96/132 Sabrina's Venonat 13 Common
Card # Name   Type Rarity
97/132 Blaine's Quiz #1   Trainer Rare
98/132 Brock   Trainer Rare
99/132 Charity   Trainer Rare
100/132 Erika   Trainer Rare
101/132 Lt. Surge   Trainer Rare
102/132 Misty   Trainer Rare
103/132 No Removal Gym   Stadium Card Rare
104/132 The Rocket's Training Gym   Stadium Gym Rare
105/132 Blaine's Last Resort   Trainer Uncommon
106/132 Brock's Training Method   Trainer Uncommon
107/132 Celadon City Gym   Trainer Uncommon
108/132 CeruleanCity Gym   Trainer Uncommon
109/132 Erika's Maids   Trainer Uncommon
110/132 Erika's Perfume   Trainer Uncommon
111/132 Good Manners   Trainer Uncommon
112/132 Lt. Surge's Treaty   Trainer Uncommon
113/132 Minion of Team Rocket   Trainer Uncommon
114/132 Misty's Wrath   Trainer Uncommon
115/132 Pewter City Gym   Stadium Card Uncommon
116/132 Recall   Trainer Uncommon
117/132 Sabrina's ESP   Trainer Uncommon
118/132 Secret Mission   Trainer Uncommon
119/132 Tickling Machine   Trainer Uncommon
120/132 Vermilion City Gym   Stadium Card Uncommon
121/132 Blaine's Gamble   Trainer Common
122/132 Energy Flow   Trainer Common
123/132 Misty's Duel   Trainer Common
124/132 Narrow Gym   Stadium Card Common
125/132 Sabrina's Gaze   Trainer Common
126/132 Trash Exchange   Trainer Common
127/132 Fighting Energy ()   Energy Common
128/132 Fire Energy ()   Energy Common
129/132 Grass Energy ()   Energy Common
130/132 Lightning Energy ()   Energy Common
131/132 Psychic Energy ()   Energy Common
132/132 Water Energy ()   Energy Common
