Catch the Legendary Pokémon Mew

I have not actually tested this myself, but if any cheat on how to catch Mew works, then this one. If anything goes wrong I'm not responsible.

To catch Mew you need a Red, Blue or Yellow edition, the language isn't important. It's important that you haven't crossed the Nugget Bridge yet, otherwise you'll have to start again from the beginning.

What to do
  1. Restart the game if you've allready crossed the bridge and beaten the trainers that will be mentioned a bit later.
  2. Play normally until you've crossed the Nugget Bridge. Don't battle the trainer facing upwards who has only a Slowpoke on level 17. Walk around him. Otherwise do everything normally.
  3. Carry on playing normally until you reach Lavender town.
  4. Go to Route 8. Careful: Don't fight the trainer standing below and facing the tunnel entrance.
  5. Go through the tunnel to Celadon City. Go east, cut the bush on the path leading to the bike path, go into the House there and get the HM Fly, teach it to one of your Pokémon. Go to the department store qand get some Great Balls.
  6. Go back through the tunnel, save the game before you leave the house.
  7. Leave the house. Now you've got to be very careful, pay attention closely.
  8. Take one step down and as soon as you've pressed the down button press start to make the menu pop up. This has to be done before the speech bubble with the exclamation mark has a chance to appear.
  9. Use your Pokémon to fly to Cerulean City and avoid the battle. The start button shouldn't be working anymore, otherwise you've done something wrong.
  10. Go to the trainer on Route 25 that you left out earlier. Stand as far away from him as possible when he sees you (three steps above him).
  11. Battle and defeat him, this should be easy, as he only has his Slowpoke at level 17.
  12. Now fly to Lavender and walk towards Route 8. Now again, pay attention, some of you may have to do the following steps as soon as they land.
  13. As soon as you enter Route 8 the menu will pop up. Otherwise you've done something wrong. As soon as it pops up get rid of it by pressing the B-Button.
  14. A battle will now start. A Mew on level 7 appears to battle you. Battle it and capture it with a Great Ball. It's quite difficult to catch even though it's on a low level.
  15. When it is caught it gets an entry in the Pokédex, and can be found in your team or in the Pokémon Box on the PC.

Note: The screenshots on this page are from, one of the best German Pokémon Sites there is.

If you've tried this cheat I'd be pleased if you emailed me and told me if it worked.
