Red/Blue/Yellow TM/HM List

# Attack Name Location
01 Mega Punch Mt. Moon, Celadon Mart for 3000
02 Razor Wind Celadon Mart 2000, Team Rocket's Secret Basement (Celadon)
03 Sword Dance Silph Co.
04 Whirlwind Route 4
05 Mega Kick Victory Road, Celadon Mart for 3000
06 Toxic Fushia City Gym
07 Horn Drill Celadon Mart for 2000, TR's Secret Basement
08 Body Slam On board the S.S Anne (Viridian)
09 Take Down Saffron City, Celadon Mart for 3000
10 Double Edge TR's Secret Basement
11 Bubble Beam Cerulean City Gym
12 Water Gun Mt. Moon
13 Ice Beam Celadon City Mart Top Floor (give the thirsty girl Fresh Water)
14 Blizzard Cinnabar Island in the Pokémon Mansion
15 Hyper Beam Celadon City Game Corner for 5500 coins
16 Pay Day Route 12
17 Submission Victory Road, Celadon Mart for 3000
18 Counter Celadon Mart (third floor from shopkeeper)
19 Seismic Toss Route 25
20 Rage Route 15
21 Mega Drain Celadon City Gym
22 Solar Beam Cinnabar Island Pokémon Mansion
23 Dragon Rage Celadon Game Corner for 3300 Coins
24 Thunderbolt Vermillion City Gym
25 Thunder Power Plant
26 Earthquake Silph Co.
27 Fissure Viridian City Gym
28 Dig Cerulean City
29 Psychic Saffron City (Mr. Psychic's house)
30 Teleport Route 9
31 Mimic Saffron City (from the copycat, give her a Pokédoll)
32 Double Team Fuchsia City, Celadon Mart for 1000
33 Reflect Power Plant, Celadon Mart for 1000
34 Bide Pewter City Gym
35 Metronome Cinnabar Island Lab
36 Self Destruct Silph Co.
37 Egg Bomb Fuchsia City, Celadon Mart for 2000
38 Fire Blast Cinnbar Island Gym
39 Swift Lookout Tower on Route 12
40 Skull Bash Safari Zone
41 Soft Boiled Celadon City (old woman by house across small lake)
42 Dream Eater Viridian City, fat guy by patch of water
43 Sky Attack Victory Road
44 Rest S.S. Anne (Viridian)
45 Thunder Wave Route 24
46 Psywave Saffron City Gym
47 Explosion Victory Road
48 Rock Slide Celadon Mart Top Floor (give thirsty girl Soda)
49 Tri-Attack Celadon Mart Top Floor (give thirsty girl Lemonade)
50 Substitute Celadon Game Corner for 7700 coins
01 Cut S.S. Anne (heal captain)
02 Fly Route 16 in the girls hiding place
03 Surf Secret House in the Safari Zone
04 Strength Fuchsia City after you've given the Warden's Gold Teeth back
05 Flash Route 2 (get at least 15 Pokémon and talk to Prof. Oak's Aide