Richie Returns

Yup, he's back ^_^ And I'm so happy. I hadn't really expected him to come back, but other old friends of Ash have been turning up, Duplica, Cathy (or whatever the girl with the Chicorita was called), and now Richie! I got these pics from Richie Site. And a baby Lugia turns up in this episode, it's called Silver.

Richie Pics
Ash and the gang got caught by Prof. Nanba. Ash and Richie ready to hug their Pikachu. Ash and co with the kid that saved them.
Other Pics from the same Episode
Baby Lugia trapped by TR. Professor Nanba Jessie, James and Meowth in the normal TR outfit.
Cassidy attacking Ash and co. Somebody just got knocked out. Some commercial spot.
Prof. Nanba again. Ash's Cyndaquil and Richie's evolved Charmander Zippo. Baby Lugia is free!
Lugia ready for Hyper Beam or something. Heh heh, I think this looks so cute ^_^