The Island

Stage One: The Beach
In this stage you drive along the beautiful coast of the island. A nice sunny beach with palmtrees, a cloudless sky and lots of sun (and no tourists ^_^).
There are lots of Pokémon out enjoying the sun, too.
There are 12 Pokémon to take pictures of:
Pidgey, Doduo, Pikachu, Butterfree, Lapras, Snorlax, Meowth, Scyther, Magikarp, Eevee, Chansey, Kangaskhan.
For some of them you need to have the Special Items to get a good Snapshot.
You will also find the Pokémon Sign Kingler.
Stage Two: The Tunnel
From the bright sunny beach you continue into the dark tunnel of a closed down powerplant where lots of Electric Pokémon feel at home. To unlock this stage you must take pictures of six different Pokémon on the beach.
The 12 Pokémon you will meet here are:
Pikachu, Electrode, Electabuzz, Kakuna, Zubat, Zapdos, Magikarp, Haunter, Diglett, Dugtrio, Magnemite and Magneton.
The Pokémon Sign of this stage is Pinsir.
Stage Three: The Volcano
Now you go on to the hotter regions of the island, the volcano. The Pokémon that live here are nearly all Fire Pokémon except a single Magikarp that may seem a little out of place here.
These are the 10 Pokémon you will encounter:
Rapidash, Vulpix, Magmar, Charmander, Charmeleon, Moltres, Growlithe, Arcanine, Magikarp and Charizard.
To get to this Stage you will have to find the secret passage in the Tunnel Stage and open it. Just before the end of the tunnel you will see an Electrode in a kind of side passage in front of a red wall. Throw a Pesterball or Apple at it and it will explode, destroying the wall and allowing you to reach the volcano.
You will also see the Pokémon Sign Kingler.
Stage Four: The River
Snap 22 different Pokémon in the previous stages to get to the River. Even though this stage seems quiet and everything there is quite a few Pokémon about, many of them are Water types. The 12 Pokémon to look out for here are:
Poliwag, Bulbasaur, Shellder, Vileplume, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Psyduck, Metapod, Porygon, Cloyster, Magikarp and Pikachu.
Lots of them will need to be chased out of their hiding places with the Special Items.
Here you'll find the Pokémon Sign Cubone.
Stage Five: The Cave
Now you journey deep into the heart of the Island. Glittering walls, undergeround lakes and some cool Pokémon can be discovered in this part of the island.
Watch out for these 13 Pokémon:
Zubat, Grimer, Bulbasaur, Ditto, Muk, Jigglypuff, Koffing, Magikarp, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Pikachu (this critter seems to feel at home almost anywhere...), Jynx and Articuno.
To get to this stage you'll have to go through the secret exit by the river. You'll see a strange quare thing floating about one of the walls above a switch. Throw a Pesterball at it and a hidden Porygon will leap out of the wall and onto the switch, opening the secret exit.
You will find the Pokémon Sign Mewtwo in this Stage.
Stage Six: The Valley
Driving along the river of this stage is like a roller-coaster-ride in some places, especially if you use the Speed-Up. ^_^ To get this you have to unlock the secret passage in this stage. You will see a Mankey high up on the top of a mountain. There are Squirtle at the bottom that shoot themselves up the mountain trying to knock the Mankey down. Try to throw a Pesterball at the last Squirtle left so that it hits the Mankey at the top. Later you will see it jumping about in front of a switch. Throw a Pesterball to knock it backwards onto the switch. You will leave the valley and get to a secret village. Professor Oak will tell you to take pictures of the Pokémon signs and give you the Speed-Up.
These are the 13 Pokémon you will see here:
Squirtle, Magikarp, Mankey, Geodude, Sandshrew, Graveler, Sandslash, Gyarados, Staryu, Starmie, Dragonite, Dratini and Goldeen.
You will find the Pokémon Sign Dugtrio here.
Stage Seven: The Rainbow Cloud
The only Pokémon you will find here is Mew. It is quite hard to get a good Snapshot of it, but it's not impossible, and if it really is good you can get up to 10.000 Points for it.
When you've got a good picture you could also take your time and look at the pretty Pokémon star-signs around you, the same Pokémon as the Pokémon signs.

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