Special Items

These Items are given to you by Professor Oak to help you take better photos.

Pic Item How to get it Description
Apple Get 24.000 points Attracts Pokémon and makes them happy, some will even perform little tricks. Pokémon can be lured to certain places, for example so that you can get more than one Pokémon on one picture. Pokémon that are hit by an Apple may be stunned for a few seconds, so that you can get a good picture. Pokémon with their back to you may turn around when hit by this item.
Pesterball Get 72.500 points Can be used to stun Pokémon, chase them out of their hiding places, make them turn around to face you or get rid of their disguises.
Pokéflute Get 130.000 points Has three different melodies that awaken Pokémon from their beauty sleep, make them dance or use interesting attacks that give you nice bonus points.
  Speed-Up Leave the Valley through the secret exit Makes the Zero-One go faster so that you can chase faster Pokémon. (Or you can go on a roller-coaster ride down the valley-river ^_^)

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