
Hometown: Pewter City
Voice Actor: Eric Stuart
Japanese Name: Takeshi
Age: About 15

Brock is the Gym Leader of Pewter City, but he joined Ash on his journey in the episode "Showdown in Pewter City". Ash won the Boulder Badge from him in the same episode. It is his goal to become the greatest Pokémon breeder there is, and many Pokémon trust, tame and wild.

Brock became Gym Leader because his father Flint left home, leaving Brock to take care of the houshold, and his many little brothers and sisters. His father returns home in the episode in which Ash wins the Boulder Badge, and Broch joins Ash and Misty on their journey.

Brock left Ash and Misty in the Episode "Pokéball Peril", to become Professor Ivy's assistant, but returns to them in "A tent situation", where the find him helping out at Ash's house. He argues with Mr. Mime about the cleaning and shopping, and keeps getting very upset if anyone mentions Ivy's name.

Brock mainly collects Rock Pokémon, but he also owns Vulpix, Tauros and Pineco.
Pokémon #1
First seen in Episode: Showdown in Pewter City
Pokémon #2
First seen in Episode: Showdown in Pewter City
Pokémon #3
Caught in Episode: Clefairy and the Moon Stone
Pokémon #4
Received in Episode: Pokémon Fashion Flash
Pokémon #5
Caught in Episode: The Legend of Dratini
Pokémon #6
Caught in Episode: Going Apricorn