Hometown: ???
Voice Actor: Rachael Lilis
Japanese Name: Musashi
Age: 17
Rival: Cassidy (another Team Rocket member)

Jessie belongs to Team Rocket, a gang of Pokémon thieves. Together with James and Meowth she tries to capture rare or powerul Pokémon (or Pikachu) for her Boss. When Jessie and James dress up she usually dresses up as the man.

Jessie comes from a poor family, and she never had any nice toys or dolls. She and James got the worst marks at the Poké Tech, and later they both joined the bike gang of Sunny Town, where Jessie was known as "Chainer Jess", because she always swang a chain about when she was riding her bike.

Jessies mother, Myamoto, was sent to search for Mew by Madame Boss, Giovanni's mother. Jessie, who was very young then was very upset, and worried about her mother.

Jessie only owns five Pokémon and she usually uses Arbok. She lost her Shellder when it evolved to Slowbro, together with a Slowpoke
Pokémon #1
First seen in Episode: Pokémon Emergency
Evolved to Arbok in Episode: Dig Those Diglett
Pokémon #2
Evolves from Ekans in Episode: Dig Those Diglett
Pokémon #3
Caught in Episode: The Evolution Solution
Escapes in Episode: The Evolution Solution
Pokémon #4
Caught in Episode: Princess Vs. Princess
Traded away for Wobbuffet in Episode: Tricks Of The Trade
Pokémon #5
Traded for Lickitung in Episode: Tricks Of The Trade