Poké Godz G/S

OK. So the rumours continue in Gold and Silver, too. The mysterious Poké Godz are back.

I bet all these codes are fake, too.

Pink Butterfree

  1. Get a female and a male Butterfree and put them in the Day Care Centre.
  2. Come back in about an hour to collect the egg.
  3. Walk about for about an hour and a Butterefree will hatch.
  4. Its gender is unknown.
  5. Go to Cinnabar Island and there will be a man where Blue used to stand.
  6. Talk to him and he will tell you a secret. He will tell you about a Pink Butterfree and that you need the unknown Butterfree to find it.
  7. The Pink Butterfree appears in the Mt. Moon Square every Saturday.
  8. It is Lv.55 and its attacks are Recover, Sleep Powder, Hyper Beam and Psychic.
  9. You have to get its HP to red and put it to sleep.
  10. Then you have to use the Master Ball to catch it.
  11. If you don't put it to sleep and get its HP to red it will dodge the Master Ball.

There is a Pink Butterfree, but I don't think you'll catch it this way.


  1. After beating Kanto phone your Mom and get her to save your money for you. (If she already is, don't bother.)
  2. Fly to her and give her all your money.
  3. Take the three legendary with you and talk to the man who used to show you how to catch Poké,mon 100 times.
  4. Now he will ask you if you have caught the three legendary Pokémon.
  5. He'll say:"Amazing!!!", and he'll tell you about a Pink Pikachu that wanders about in Mt. Silver on Sundays.
  6. Go and talk to your Mom and she will give you infinite money, so you can stock up on items if you want.i>
  7. Go to the Silver Cave on Sunday and you will find the Pnkachu. It wanders about, but it doesn't walk quickly, so it's easy to catch up with it.
  8. When you try and talk to it Red will turn up and say:"The rare Pokémon! You are really here...what are you doing here (your name)?
  9. He will duell you. His Pikachu, Charizard and Blastoise are now at Lv.99 and his Venusaur is replaced by Mew.
  10. After you defeat him he will say:"You're tough...maybe, you deserve this Pokémon". Then he uses an Escape Rope.
  11. Now the Pinkachu will attack you, before you have the chance to heal your Pokémon, so it is very hard to fight and catch it.
  12. It is Lv.80, and you have to get its HP to red and put it to sleep, or even if you use your Master Ball, it will glow pink and the Pinkachu will get out.

Pikachu, Pikablu, Freakachu, Freezechu, Pinkachu.......


  1. Get all 16 badges and give a male Caterpie and a female Weedle in at the Day Care Centre.
  2. Walk about for about 10 minutes and go and get the egg.
  3. Carry it around with you for a while and it will hatch into Crackapie.


  1. Get a Lv.100 Blastoise and a Lv.100 Venusaur (different genders).
  2. They must both be holding Bright Powder.
  3. Give them in at the Day Care Centre.
  4. Come back after about half an hour and pick up the egg.
  5. After about an hour it will hatch into Venustoise.
  6. One of its attacks is Leaf Cannon.


  1. Breed two Ledyba or Ledian and two Spinnarak or Ariados.
  2. Now breed the the Lv.5 Ledyba and Spinnarak, the ones that you hatched from the eggs.
  3. Take the Pokémon that hatches out of the next egg and rise it to Lv.30 without Rare Candy.
  4. Now teach it Frustration.
  5. Max out its stats with Iron, Carbos, Calcium and Protein.
  6. Put it in Box 14 and withdraw it. Put it in Box 13 and withdraw it. And so on.
  7. After you've withdrawn it from Box 1 go to Professor Oak and he will give you an item.
  8. Attach that item to the Pokémon.
  9. Raise it to Lv.31 and it will evolve into Ronald.
  10. It has high stats, but bad moves, but it can learn all TMs and HMs.


  1. Get a Charizard and a Blastoise (different genders) at Lv.100 and give them both the item Lucky Punch.
  2. Go to Blaine and he will give you a "Firedrop Stone".
  3. Now give the Blastoise and the Charizard in at the Day Care Centre (give Blastoise to the woman and Charizard to the man.
  4. When you get the egg it hatches into a Squirtle.
  5. Evolve it to Blastoise and give it the Firedrop Stone.
  6. It evolves into Rainer. Rainer counts as number 257 in your Pokédex.
  7. #252 Pichublu

    1. Talk to the man in the Bike Shop 50 times (after getting the bike).
    2. Go to your mother and she'll tell you that Professor Elm wants to talk to you.
    3. Go to Professor Elm and he will give you the mystical BLUE ORB
    4. The BLUE ORB attracts the rarest Pokémon in Johto.
    5. Go outside and the BLUE ORB and Pichublu will appear.
    6. You have to catch it with a Lure Ball.
    7. Of course, we've got Pikablu, we've got Riablu, we can't forget Pichublu, can we?


      1. Get the Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod and evolve it to Espeon.
      2. Get a second Eevee from the Celadon City Game Corner and evolve it to Umbreon.
      3. Give Umbreon and Espeon in at the Day Care Centre.
      4. Wait until they have both reached at least Lv.50.
      5. The man will be outside with an egg.
      6. Pick up the egg, Espeon and Cyboreon.
      7. After about 10,000 steps the egg hatches into Eevee.
      8. Raise it to exactly Lv.50 and use the Moon Stone.
      9. It evolves into Cyboreon, and learns attacks like Rainbow Hyper Beam up to Lv.100.It is a Dark/Steel Pokémon and its number is 252.


      1. Go to where your Rival stood the first time you saw him.
      2. Walk backwards and forwards there for half an hour.
      3. A Pokéball and a strange Pokémon will appear.
      4. This Pokémon looks like a Pikachu and Mewtwo together.
      5. You have to catch this Pokémon with a Pokéball, but don't attack it as you kill it with one hit.
      6. Don't talk to the man in front of Professor Elm's lab, or four of your Pokémon will get erased.
      7. That's it for now. I'll add more codes when I get them.